„Jačanje međunarodne konkurentnosti i internacionalizacija poslovanja POINTERS TRAVEL d.o.o. nastupima na međunarodnim sajmovima“

Svrha projekta:

Svrha projekta je jačanje međunarodne konkurentnosti, internacionalizacija poslovanja i kvalitetno pozicioniranje POINTERS TRAVEL d.o.o. na međunarodnom tržištu IT usluga u turizmu, sudjelovanjem na međunarodnim sajmovima u EU, SAD, JAR, Aziji i Australiji.
Projekt doprinosi rješavanju problema nedostatnih promidžbenih aktivnosti i nedovoljne prepoznatljivosti POINTERSA na inozemnim tržištima, te doprinosi ostvarenju vizije i poslovnih ciljeva Društva – povećanje prihoda, izvoza i profitabilnosti, te osiguranja visoke kvalitete proizvoda i usluga, orijentiranosti kupcu, inovativnosti i fleksibilnosti.

Očekivani rezultati projekta

  1. Društvo se uspješno predstavilo na 12 međunarodnih sajmova na ciljanim tržištima EU, SAD, Azije, JAR i Australije u sektoru IT usluga u turizmu tijekom 2020. i 2021. godine,
  2. Izrađena analiza tržišta i strategija izvoza na tržište Njemačke, Austrije i SAD.
  3. Razvoj novih tržišta – izvoz proizvoda na nova tržišta EU, SAD, Azije, JAR i Australije,
  4. Projekt uspješno proveden u okviru planiranog proračuna i planiranog vremenskog okvira

Ukupna vrijednost projekta: 603.038,02kn,
Ukupno prihvatljivi troškovi: 554.601,33kn,
Sufinanciranje EU: 471.411,12 kn,
Razdoblje provedbe projekta: 22.01.2020. – 22.07.2021.

Kontakt osoba: KRUNOSLAV WEINPERT, direktor.
Poveznice: http://www.strukturnifondovi.hr

Name of the project:

“Strengthening international competitiveness and internationalization of business
POINTERS TRAVEL d.o.o. performances at international fairs

Purpose of the project:

The purpose of the project is to strengthen international competitiveness, internationalization of business, and quality positioning of POINTERS TRAVEL d.o.o. on the global IT market
services in tourism by participating in international fairs in the EU, USA, South Africa, Asia, and Australia.
The project contributes to solving the problem of insufficient promotional activities and inadequate recognition of POINTERS on foreign markets and contributes to the realization of the vision
and business goals of the Company – increasing income, exports, and profitability, ensuring high-quality products and services, customer orientation, innovation, and flexibility.

Expected results of the project

  1. The company successfully presented itself at 12 international fairs in the target markets of the EU, USA, Asia, South Africa, and Australia in the sector of IT services in tourism during 2020 and 2021,
  2. I prepared market analysis and export strategy for Germany, Austria,d the USA.
  3. Development of new markets – export of products to new markets of the EU, USA, Asia, South Africa and Australia,
  4. Successfully implemented the project within the planned budget and planned time frame

The total value of the project: HRK 603,038.02,
Total eligible costs: HRK 554,601.33,
EU co-financing: HRK 471,411.12,
Project implementation period: January 22, 2020. – 30.06.2022.

Contact person: KRUNOSLAV WEINPERT, director.
Links: www.strukturnifondovi.hr