Eagerness to escape the busy city life and enjoy natural beauties will inflate your lungs as soon as you lay your eyes on the magical beauty of Velebit.

At the foot of Velebit, situated in beautiful Rovanjska, by the bay on the edge of the Velebit channel, Modrič Cave stays hidden from the world, keeping its pristine beauty at only 29 meters above sea level.

Discovered relatively recently, only in 1985, Modrič Cave has remained in its original state until today. In its 836 meter length hides the lavish untouched beauty of the underworld.

The beauty of Modrič labyrinths

Although the majority of caves are decorated and adapted to its visitors by creating a certain ambiance, such as artificial lighting, the Modrič Cave stands out thanks to its serenity. It is decorated in a completely different manner, with no artificial additives such as concrete, fulmination or artificial paths. It has retained its authenticity; all its natural beauty is displayed and it is decorated in a way that walking through it is a pleasure, not a burden or a risk.

The dark mystery of the cave shouldn’t alarm you, but wake up your imagination. Use your battery to discover cave jewelry – your breath will be taken by the view nature has been carefully forming for millions of years.

In Modrič Cave, nature is in competition with the visitor’s imagination. You will discover, piece by piece, mysterious labyrinths and corridors full of decor which human imagination transforms into various monsters. You will be surrounded by a world of stalactites, stalagmites, pillars of imaginative shapes like jellyfish and everything else you can imagine.

While passing through the cave, you can get the impression that you are constantly passing through the new cave corridors between the large safety columns and the stalagmite. The halls are full of cave pillars and arcades, some of them glittering with crystals which will give you the impression that you are in a magical world. The 17 degrees temperature gives you an extra feeling of freshness in your adventures.

The cave is a home only to crabs and spiders who are, due to the life in darkness, blind. There’s also one bat, nicknamed Šime by the tour guides. In the gallery of stalactites and other glittering ornaments, you will also be able to see a few snails. In the hall entrance, you will be greeted by “the red queen” and sent off in the depths of her kingdom. Walkthrough the beautiful, spacious halls decorated by rugged creations. Thanks to the play of light and shadow, you will feel like you’re in a fairytale.

The cave adventure

Start your adventure and keep an eye out on these subterranean treasures of beauty ran by expert and reliable mountain and cave guides. All you need is easy fabric, sporty footwear, a camera, and a smile. We will equip you with helmets, batteries and protective suits. Are you ready to experience the cave adventures? The beauty of this cave can be found on every step, so it’s no wonder a wedding was held there!

A swim break in the Modrič Cave

After swimming and enjoying the sun, when temperatures become too high, when you want peace, quiet and a pleasant temperature, stopping by the Modrič cave is a good choice. The entrance to the cave is located directly above the seashore. And while, at one moment, you are surrounded by sun and sea, the second moment you will be transferred to a completely different world. All you need is easy clothes and footwear, while at the entrance to the cave you will receive a suit and a place helmet on your head with a carabiner lamp which will make you feel like a true speleologist. Equipped like this, you will walk around the corridors, halls, and footpaths across all 829 meters.

These natural wonders have been created quite some time ago, and in the institute, they have discovered that a small stalagmite was formed 420 thousand years ago! Experience this natural wonder. Don’t forget to take your camera with you to preserve these beautiful moments. Get to know the mysterious nature game that has been forming for millennia, far from the world and the human eye.

How was Modrič Cave discovered?

The cave was discovered accidentally by speleologist Silvijo Legović in 1985. He was passing by those parts while bora was blowing and peered into the hole in the rocks. He soon sensed the air stream, which is the main sign for speleologists that there are canals and caves hiding behind. He dug a small passage and entered the first hall, and that’s how the exploration of the Modrič Cave has started.

What else can be found in the cave?

In the other channel of Modrič Cave, speleologists have found the fossil remains of a man from the Bronze Age, 4000 years old. There’s also some ceramics and remains of a cave bear dating from the last ice age. The remains are 15 000 – 20 000 years old! This is a fascinating discovery if you take into account that there’s only one cave entrance discovered in the ’80s. How did those remains appear there? There must have been another entrance to the cave which has disappeared over time.

Modrič Cave is worth visiting

Modrič Cave stands out among all other Velebit caves thanks to its natural beauty preserved in full splendor. It is a protected geomorphological nature monument with a year-round temperature of 17 degrees Celsius. It is a true refreshment on hot summer days, but it is also ideal for visits all year round, no matter the weather conditions.

Modrič Cave is located near Jasenice-Maslenica.

Want to experience a cave adventure in the Modrič Cave? Let Pointers Travel organize your travel, tour, and accommodation! If you would like to know more about this destination, feel free to contact us.

By: Jasna Šikić